
Meet the adorable Nikko. He is a 13-week-old, (born appx 05/16/24) 9.5-pound, dark brindle, possibly Lab/Shep/Husky/Pit Bull mix. Your guess is as good as ours, he is 100% adorable. He was found by a good Samaritan who is fostering him. He and his siblings: Nelson, Nocks, Nina and Nash are available for adoption together or separately.

He loves to run and play with his litter mates. He is living indoors and learning to use the doggie door but will require some house training. He will require leash training when he is old enough to be outside safely.

He is scheduled to be neutered but we are looking for his home now. He is microchipped and currently vaccinated. He will require a rabies vaccine at 4-months-old. Nikko is ready to make your house a home


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