
Weston – This pup has always been a big boy, he weighs in at 4.9 LBs. He was born 6/15/2024 along with 6 other siblings. He is a Miniature Pincher/ Chihuahua mix. Mom is a Miniature Pincher and dad is a Chihuahua mix. He is very vocal about wanting attention and enjoys “telling you all about” how he feels about things. With all the barks and whines for attention, the tail never stops wagging. He just loves to be held and be the center of attention. He is very social and enjoys wrestling with his siblings. He likes to find a toy to run around with as well. Have you seen puppy zoomies? This guy is full of them! He will definitely keep you busy and your heart full of joy as he is simply adorable. All puppies have been socialized and have met and interacted with adults, children, and babies. Weston has met other dogs both larger and smaller breeds and does well. Weston is current on his vaccinations and will be neutered when old enough.  He has been dewormed and will be micro-chipped prior to going to his adoptive family.    OFFICE


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