We’re moving and can’t take our pet ” is one of the most common reasons pets end up at a city shelter. Even in this day and age euthanasia rates at most shelters are still too high.
The typical reason it’s that landlords won’t accept pets they don’t want to deal with tenant complaints about barking, or deal with apartment damage from both dogs or cats and home owners associations won’t allow dogs because of the barking potential.
Months before you move start looking for a pet friendly place to move. If you still find difficulty in moving with a pet, trying to find a place to rent that you can afford that will accept pets, contact a local animal shelter for the area you want to move to, many have a list of local places that rent to pet owners. Don’t wait start looking immediately. Both cats and dogs can be moved across the country using some safe guards. Here are some links with more information.
Still, there are times when people just can’t take their pet after examining all of the options.
The mistake most people make is trying only one or two things a few days before they need to move then have nowhere for their beloved pet to go. Do not wait; start looking the minute you know you need to move. Ask your veterinarian for ideas and call you local non-profit shelters.
In the end rehoming may be the best option. Begin by posting notices or fliers at work or your church. Post on your Facebook as some of your friends will share it. Include pictures and a list of your pet’s traits, appearance, personality and behavior. Do include the good and the bad. Be honest so a potential adopter will know what to expect. The more information people have the more likely you will find a kind, loving home. If the animal is a purebred dog or cat you may be able to seek help from organizations such as Purebred Dog Rescue or Cat Purebred Rescue. Despite all your efforts you may have to contact a local no-kill shelter or rescue, so please allow yourself plenty of time to insure your pet can be accepted, into their program.
Do not use “free to a good home” ads or give the pet to people you don’t know. That’s how some pets end up in the hands of animal abusers, or used in dog fighting; people with bad intentions don’t want to spend money on the animals they pass along. By asking the adopter for an adoption fee (even if it is a small donation to your local shelter), you help to ensure that the person who is adopting your pet has his best interest at heart and can financially provide for your pet. You must also interview and deliver your beloved pet to his new home to assure his safety.
For some people with special circumstances like Military personnel who cannot deploy to a war zone with their pet, there are some organizations in which volunteers foster their pets, such as Dogs on Deployment or Pets for Patriots. Ask friends and relatives if they will take your pet.
If your pet is old and chronically ill, fearful or easily stressed by changes, moving is difficult for him; this is particularly common with cats. A 19-year-old ill pet getting adopted from a shelter is not likely. Your pet will feel lonely, abandoned and likely get sicker. Rehoming may not be the best option, and euthanasia might be a kindness, using your own veterinarian. If your pet is old, sick, reacts poorly to any changes, and doesn’t want to do anything besides lounge around his own home dreaming of his glory days, he’s likely not a good candidate to move anywhere except a place where he is already comfortable and loved, like Grandma’s.
Please do not wait to look for a place for your pet. Start months in advance.
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