Therapy Dog Program
AFCHS maintains a Therapy Dog Program for dogs and their owners.
AFCHS believes that animals make an invaluable contribution to human health and mental well-being.
The program is now is its 16th year. Our Therapy Dog program consists of an orientation session, temperament testing, and three on-site evaluations.
Training sessions are held twice a year and are held in nursing homes in Stockton and Lodi. There is a 25 to 30 dog maximum. The packet will be emailed to you. You are required to print your own packet and bring it to the orientation. All paperwork, including fecal and vaccinations, must be complete at the time of testing or your dog will not be tested – no exceptions. If you are a couple, you must each have your own copy of everything. You cannot share; a veterinarian must sign both of your separate copies. Thank you we look forward to having you attend the next training session.
Find our program page on the Therapy Dogs Facebook today!