Betty & Smoke are a beautiful gray and white girl and black and white boy! They are very bonded and
need to be adopted together. They will be very shy at first, but will hopefully become sweet, affectionate,
and loving with people as they get comfortable in their new home. Betty is shyer than Smoke, and he
brings her out of her shell.
They would be best in a home with older children or no children.
Betty was born June 18, 2023 and Smoke was born June 7, 2023. They are up to date with routine shots,
house-trained, altered, microchipped, FELV/HTW/FIV negative and are inside-only cats. You can also
sponsor Betty & Smoke to help with their care and medical needs.
To visit, sponsor or learn more about Betty & Smoke, please submit an adoption application at You can see Betty & Smoke and our other
adoptable cats daily at Petco or our cat sanctuary in Lodi.
Betty & Smoke
Betty & Smoke
June 18, 2023 and June 7, 2023
Female & Male
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